What to Post on Social Media

Excellent information from Doris-Maria Heilmann at savvybookwriters.wordpress.com

Savvy Writers & e-Books online




People are on the Internet for one of two reasons: Either to solve a problem, or be entertained.   Are you struggling to create daily numerous engaging “posts” on your Social Media sites?  Then you are not the only one on the search of great content. We all want to stand out from our “competition”.  On the other hand, creating content for Social Media should not end up in stress. In a former post I explained that blogs do not necessarily need to consist of written content, but also may be among others, videos, images, curated content, re-posts etc.  The same is true for Social Media content.  How can you achieve this is explained in nine suggestions at   http://www.savvybookwriters.com/blog

Our WordPress blog http://savvybookwriters.wordpress.com/ has moved to our web domain at:


As we cannot transfer thousands of subscribers we will re-blog for a while.  If you want to get these valuable tips…

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