My #Book #Marketing Secret by #Indie #Author Nicholas Rossis

More information from Nicholas Rossi posted by The Story Reading Ape on how to market yourself just by being you 🙂

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books I made this on

My marketing strategy is really simple. In fact, it can be summed up as follows:

  • Be real,
  • be fun,
  • be helpful.

If you do that, people will buy your books simply because they will like you and will want to support you. In other words, “if people like what you’re saying, they’ll like what you’re selling.”

I have read many marketing guides, but have come to realize that it all boils down to how people perceive you. In marketing speech, your brand.

Having a consistent author brand is liberating. It allows you to publish pretty much anything you like, irrespective of genre. People will read your books because you have written them – and they trust you to offer them a good time.

That’s great. How about some real tips now?

The other day, a visitor to my blog asked me for…

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10 thoughts on “My #Book #Marketing Secret by #Indie #Author Nicholas Rossis

    • You know…that is true…I think your brain has to be able to accept the reasoning for it to finally make sense. You look for the more complicated answer, but it is actually more simple than that! Hope you’re doing well Yvonne! I had the two Chris’ mixed up and thought Chris The Story Reading Ape was the same as Chris McMullen…duh 🙂


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