How Much Traffic Get Your Website / Blog?

Excellent information from Doris-Maria Heilmann with 111Publishing!

Savvy Writers & e-Books online



Do you want to be on Google’s first page improve your search engine optimization?  Using Google+ should be on your main effort on the list of activities. Make sure that your Google+ usage will help with your search rankings.

  1. Priority is to get lots of followers, to make sure that your posts are read by as many people as possible and that they get a chance to go viral.
  2. Link your Google+ page to your own website. Get more recommendations for your site in Google search and grow your audience on Google+.
  3. Fill in the information for your profile and pages completely.  Google prioritizes different areas of the profile for both on-page optimization and in search results: the first 55 characters of your Introduction are important for search results within Google+.
  4. Encourage +1′s. Do you have a +1 button (Google+ Sharing Button) on your website? The +1…

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