Inesemjphotography: Meet the Past: Dolmens and Fairy Raths

Meet the Past: Dolmens and Fairy Raths.

One Lovely Blog Award…Thank you!

One Lovely Blog AwardI would like to thank Charles Ray‘s fantastic book review blog and also everyone that takes the time to read my blog.  I am very honored to be nominated for this award that I will proudly display on my site.

Now I reveal 7 things about myself you may or may not have known.

1.  I wrote my first novel in High School.  Chapters were sold for $0.25 cents each…It kept my car in gas.

2.  My favorite book is “Peck’s Bad Boy and his Pa“.

3.  When my son and daughter were born, I was in the room watching.

4.  I have the honor of being married to the same woman for forty-five years.  If I had to do it again, I would in a heartbeat.

5.  My first published novel, “The Wolf’s Moon” was written in longhand and took about a year or so to finish.

6.  I love to watch nature, watching flowers grow in one of our many gardens.  Sitting in the room where I write I watch the animals drink from the creek.

7.  Most of all, I love working with my wife each day, meeting all of the wonderful people around the world and reading their thoughts in blogging.

Oh yeah, did I mention anything about woodworking?  No?  Well, maybe next time.

Blogs I’m nominating

These bloggers that I am nominating are just a few of the wonderful people out there in the blogosphere.  If I were to list everyone, the list would be 18 pages long and growing.  Thank you for providing a snapshot of life from your side of the street 🙂

Chris The Story Reading Ape – Chris Graham

Daily Echo – Sue Vincent

Inesemjphotography – Inese

Myths of the Mirror – Diana

Paul Militaru

Sally Cronin

Viv The Owl Lady @V@

Yadadarcyyada – Donna Parker

Nick Verron

Michael’s Origins

Just Olga

Legends of Windemere

Dan Alatorre – Author

Jo Robinson

Teagan’s Books

Rules for the Award

In conclusion, to all my blogger nominees, here is the list of rules to participate:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to her/his blog.
  2. List 7 interesting facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers and inform them by posting on their site.
  4. List the rules and display the award.